The 10 warning signs of dental problems you shouldn't ignore

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Los 10 signos de alerta de problemas dentales que no debes ignorar

The 10 warning signs of dental problems you shouldn't ignore

At Cots Dental Clinic in Valencia, we understand the importance of detecting dental problems early. Often, the need for dental implants is preceded by warning signs that should not be ignored. Here are 10 warning signs that indicate the possible need for dental implants.

1. Loose or Movable Teeth:

Tooth mobility may be an indication of bone loss or advanced periodontal disease, two conditions that may require the placement of dental implants.

2. Loss of a tooth:

Tooth loss not only affects your smile, but also the chewing function and bone structure of your jaw.

3. Constant Dental Pain:

Constant pain in your teeth can be a sign of infection or severe tooth decay.

4. Difficulty in chewing:

If chewing becomes painful or difficult, it may be time to consider implants as a solution.

5. Receding gums:

Receding gums are a common sign of periodontal disease, which can lead to tooth loss.

6. Change in Occlusion:

Changes in the way your teeth fit together when you close your mouth may indicate bone loss or tooth displacement.

7. Common Gum Infections:

Recurrent infections may be an indication of underlying problems that may require implants.

8. Bleeding gums:

Although common, bleeding gums should not be ignored, as they are one of the first signs of periodontal disease.

9. Persistent Bad Breath:

Chronic bad breath can be a sign of dental decay or periodontal disease.

10. Enlarged Spaces Between Teeth:

Increased gaps between your teeth can be a sign of bone loss.


The Importance of a Professional Evaluation:

If you experience any of these symptoms, a professional evaluation at Cots Dental Clinic is crucial. Our team of experts can determine if dental implants are the best option for you.

Don't ignore these warning signs. At Cots Dental Clinic, we are here to help you regain your dental health and improve your quality of life with solutions such as dental implants. Contact us today for a consultation in Valencia.