Tips for effective oral hygiene at home

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Tips for effective oral hygiene at home

As dental care professionals we firmly believe that good oral hygiene starts at home. Maintaining an effective oral care routine is essential to prevent dental problems and keep your smile healthy and bright. Here are some practical tips to improve your daily oral hygiene.

Tips for Effective Oral Hygiene

Brushing Correct: Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Be sure to brush all surfaces of your teeth, including the back molars and tongue.

Use of dental floss: Flossing is essential to remove plaque and food debris between the teeth where the toothbrush cannot reach. Floss at least once a day, preferably before bedtime.

Mouthwash: Incorporate an antibacterial mouthwash into your routine to reduce plaque, fight bad breath and help prevent gingivitis.

Healthy Diet: Limit consumption of sugars and carbohydrates that can contribute to tooth decay. Opt for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and low-fat dairy products.

Regular Toothbrush Replacement: Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months or sooner if the bristles are worn. A worn toothbrush does not clean effectively.

Avoid Bad Habits: Reduce or avoid tobacco and alcohol, which can contribute to oral problems such as mouth cancer and periodontal disease.

Fluoridated Water: Drink fluoridated water to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay.

Regular Dental Visits

In addition to your home care routine, it is important to make regular visits to the dentist for professional cleanings and routine examinations. At Cots Dental Clinic, we recommend a visit every six months.

The Cots Dental Clinic's Commitment to Your Oral Health

At Cots Dental Clinic in Valencia, we are committed to your oral health. Our team of professionals is here to provide you with the care you need and answer any questions you may have about your oral hygiene routine.


Effective oral hygiene at home is essential to maintaining a healthy mouth and beautiful smile. With these practical tips and the support of the Cots Dental Clinic team, you're on the right path to optimal oral health - contact us for more personalised advice or to schedule your next visit!